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Most diets aren't effective or safe. To find your maintenance calories, select “Lose a little fat and gain a little muscle (recomposition)” as your goal. This calorie and macro calculator will help you to calculate for: Cutting phases — fat loss while maintaining muscle mass (or even growing some), Bulking phases — weight gain while minimizing fat gain and maximizing the rate of muscle growth, Recomp phases — for simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain, while achieving weight maintenance.
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This calorie and macro calculator will help you to calculate for: Cutting phases — fat loss while maintaining muscle mass (or even growing some), Bulking phases — weight gain while minimizing fat gain and maximizing the rate of muscle growth, Recomp phases — for simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain, while achieving weight maintenance. As part of the 12-week #Freakmode fitness plan, this calculator uses your personal stats and specific fitness goal to calculate the exact calorie and macronutrient totals you need to either build muscle or lose weight. Start #Freakmode for yourself and make a dramatic change in just 3 months. 45 (2000) = 900 calories. 65 (2000) = 1300 calories. BENEFICIOS DEL KIT CICLO VOLUMEN. Este kit ciclo volumen Testosterona enantato mas Winstrol esta disenado para aquellos que desean ganar como minimo 5 kilos de masa muscular en 8 semanas. 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